The latest guesthouse from Danish brand Vipp, the ground-up design is rooted in its desert location and unique topography, blending seamlessly into the landscape. PPAA has created a dynamic interplay of strategically-placed volumes and stepped exterior stairways which thoughtfully respond to the contours of the site. The resulting structure pays tribute to the region as well as its culture of in / outdoor living. The five bedroom property is comprised of a main house, two connected guest houses, a covered patio, a rooftop pool and terraces.
環形屋頂泳池被設計成空中綠洲,客人可以在這里欣賞廣闊的海景和天空,而有頂露臺則是社交中心,營造出全年無休、日夜溫馨的聚會場所。Vipp Todos Santos的夯土建筑使用了當地的天然材料,非常適合當地的氣候條件,達到了可持續建造,自然降溫,夜間隔熱的效果。堅固的墻壁由壓縮土制成,以原始狀態鋪設在建筑的外部和內部。寬大的窗戶將海洋美景盡收眼底,進一步將室內與周圍的自然環境聯系在一起。
A circular rooftop pool has been conceived as a celestial oasis where guests can enjoy expansive ocean and sky views while the covered terrace is the social center of gravity for the home, creating an inviting year-round, day-to- night gathering place. Using natural materials from the site, Vipp Todos Santos' rammed earth construction is ideally suited for its climate, sustainably-built, naturally cooling by and insulating at night. Sturdy walls, crafted from compressed earth, and left in their raw state line the exterior and interior of the building. Its expansive windows frame panoramic ocean views, further connecting the interior with its natural surroundings.
自然色調和紋理交相輝映,寧靜的空間喚起人們的靜謐之心,定制的家具和設計細節,以及來自當地的藝術品、紡織品和陶瓷制品,體現了當地的工藝和編織技術。住宅中的每個元素都經過精挑細選,與泥土、混凝土和木材的簡約材料色調相得益彰。用當地Palo de Arco樹的樹枝編織而成的百葉窗為建筑增添了手工元素,并在空間中投射出全天不斷變化的陰影。
Featuring an interplay of natural tones and textures, its serene spaces were created to evoke a sense of tranquility, integrating custom furniture and design details that honor local craft and weaving techniques as well as art, textiles and ceramic pieces sourced from the area. Each element in the home has been selected to complement the minimal material palette of earth, concrete and wood. Window shutters woven from branches of the local Palo de Arco tree add a handcrafted element to the building and cast ever changing shadows in the space throughout the day.
開放式的起居空間配備了Vipp最新的陽極氧化鋁V3廚房,品牌家具、燈具、浴室和戶外用品系列也擺放在這里。作為對比,Vipp Todos Santos創造了墨西哥和丹麥設計傳統之間的對話。
The open plan living space is outfitted with Vipp's new anodized aluminum V3 kitchen and the brand's furniture, lighting, bathroom and outdoor collection have been placed throughout. A study in contrasts, Vipp Todos Santos creates a dialogue between Mexican and Danish design traditions.
自2014年以來,該品牌在壯美的自然環境中開設了越來越多的可預訂、建筑風格獨特的酒店。從大衛·圖爾斯特魯普(David Thulstrup)到斯諾赫塔(Snohetta),這些知名設計師都曾在丹麥鄉村、普利亞和比利牛斯山脈等地為該品牌設計過酒店,每家酒店都完全獨一無二。Vipp Todos Santos是該品牌旗下的第十家酒店,也是北美地區的第一家。
Now in its 85th year, the project is Vipp's 10th guesthouse, and joins a growing portfolio of bookable, architecturally significant properties in spectacular, often remote settings the brand has opened since 2014. Renowned designers from David Thulstrup to Snohetta have worked on their properties from the Danish countryside to Puglia and the Pyrenees Mountains, each entirely unique and of their place. Vipp Todos Santos is the tenth guesthouse in the brand's portfolio and first in North America.
面積:3800 m²
攝影:Anders Hviid
主創建筑師:Pablo Pérez Palacios
室內設計:PPAA with Vipp and Julie Cloos Mølsgaard
總承包商:Grupo Impulsa
Lodging•Todos Santos, Mexico
Architects: PPAA
Area: 3800 m²
Year: 2024
Photographs:Anders Hviid
Manufacturers: Vipp
Lead Architects: Pablo Pérez Palacios
Interiors: PPAA with Vipp and Julie Cloos Mølsgaard
General Contractor: Grupo Impulsa
City: Todos Santos
Country: Mexico