設計單位? 天津華匯工程建筑設計有限公司
項目地點? 江西省景德鎮市
建設起始時間? 2022年10月
建筑面積? 41800平方米
In 2019, a cluster design project titled "Comprehensive Conservation, Development, and Expansion of Modern and Contemporary Ceramic Industrial Heritage" was launched in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi. We were invited to participate in the design of “Taoxichuan Art Academy”, a building group that includes art apartments, exhibitions, creative workshops, and ancillary commercial functions.
▲ 項目視頻? 攝像:魏剛
The project site is located within the former ceramic machinery factory plot in the central part of the old town area of Jingdezhen, next to the first phase of the Taoxichuan Cultural and Creative District. The site is situated at the southwest boundary, close to urban roads. The original factory area retains numerous single and multi-story industrial buildings and other industrial remnants, with well-preserved vegetation.
The art academy will serve artists and art students involved in creativity and research in Taoxichuan, providing spaces for communication, creation, and living.
In a distinctive context where both industrial aesthetics and traditional significance coexist, the initial question we focused on was what kind of art academy we wanted to create.. Should we design a new building or one that serves the purpose of "art"? How will the design engage with the urban fabric and reestablish the site's spirit?
The brick houses, large-span continuous structures, tiled sloped roofs, and towering trees form the initial impression of arriving at Tao Xichuan. Therefore, we first decided on the building materials, choosing red bricks, concrete, tiles, steel plates, and other materials, aiming to recreate the simplicity of tradition and the understated elegance of industry. We then used a combination of clean, powerful materials and intersecting lines to convey artistic tension.
The building is divided into two parts. The larger structure on the west side serves as office and apartment spaces for artists and students from art academies. Its height is controlled to coordinate with the preserved factory buildings along the street. The smaller structure on the east side is for the offices and apartments of art masters. It uses a series of stepped setbacks and large sloped roofs to integrate and transition its volume with the surrounding buildings. The two buildings are connected by a steel sky bridge on the second floor, which not only clarifies the relationship between the buildings but also emphasizes the entrance space for the entire area along the new Factory West Road.
The building incorporates a series of courtyards, arcades, eaves corridors, and semi-outdoor spaces designed to provide shelter from rain and allow for ventilation, in response to the hot and rainy climate of Jingdezhen in the summer. These semi-outdoor public spaces can also accommodate exhibitions, performances, gatherings, and other activities.
Located in the bustling old town, adjacent to a busy road and relatively noisy surroundings, the apartments do not adopt the conventional hotel-style fa?ade with large floor-to-ceiling windows. Instead, they take inspiration from the factory's large-span structural knee braces, combined with the enclosing walls made of decorative tiles, creating a quiet and inward-facing living environment. This design conveys a sense of retreat in the midst of the city. By externalizing the factory's structural form in the fa?ade, the design subtly echoes the environmental imprint of the original ceramic factory. The use of brickwork brings delicate variations to the exterior fa?ade, and the texture of the bricks, along with the flexible and dynamic construction methods, creates a rich and varied architectural texture and spatial experience.
On the northeast side of the art building, a series of interlocking platforms are set up. The stairs begin from the park's road and ascend, connecting outdoor platforms on the second, third, and fourth floors. These platforms, raised like plazas, provide visitors with multiple vantage points to overlook the future central square. The platforms extend through corridors on each floor, linking to other public activity areas. In this way, the external public circulation flows seamlessly through the building, while remaining unobtrusive to the internal circulation, thereby connecting the most distinctive spaces for art exhibitions and activities in the art academy.
設計圖紙 ▽
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